Living Statues with Ballet Wichita

Art, Dance, Music, Theater


Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Friday:  7-10pm

In its fifth year, the Living Statues event offers a unique and inspirational environment, in which the public is invited to sketch, photograph, paint, or otherwise immortalize a group of talented Ballet Wichita dancers.  The dancers will perform a series of interpretive tableaux throughout the evening, coordinated by a soundtrack composed specifically for the event.  Back by popular demand, this year’s composer/dj team is Jedd Beaudoin, host of KMUW’s Strange Currency and music writer, and Torin and Georgia Andersen, local musicians and power-couple.  Artists and visitors are invited to use this opportunity to record these three to five minute poses–everyone is encouraged to bring their own drawing materials, but newsprint and charcoal will be available for a small donation.  We’re also celebrating the count-down to Ballet Wichita’s Art Run, so wear your sneaks!

Photos of this, and past Living Statues events, are available on our facebook page, at