Friday, May 25, 2018 (All day) to Tuesday, December 31, 2019 (All day)
Thanks to the Wichita Community Foundation and the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission, we’re moving forward and making MapMusik even bigger! All info is on the MapMusik website.
Do your own tour, or join one of our groups. Or, walk around your own neighborhood and record the sounds that make that place unique. More info about sound-collecting is below. Your sounds can be easily uploaded at MapMusik.Live or sent by email to Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out when and where the next soundwalks and soundmap video performances will be.
Graphic design: Carlos Palomino
Website: Ellen Crispin
Social Media Management: Krissy Buhrer
Web App: Tobias Butler
MAPMUSIK/316: Fisch Haus – Final Friday, May 25, 2018
What makes your neighborhood unique? Maybe you live near the river, or next to a school, or by a park, or along the railroad tracks? What do you hear when you walk your dog, or head out for a bike ride? What happens if you stand in your yard or on your porch and just listen? These are the sounds of Wichita, and we want to hear them too.
In collaboration with VibrantICT, and local artists, musicians, and makers, Fisch Haus is creating a map-based soundscape, to celebrate the diversity of this city in a brand new way: through your ears! Welcome to MapMusik/316, an immersive, interactive, virtual audial tour of Wichita.
In order to make the project a reality, we need you. Take 5-10 second videos of sounds you either find or create in your neighborhood, and send them to Don’t forget to say exactly where you took the video in your email: an address, or street corner, or park/business/apt. complex/etc. name will do.
Von Hansen, percussionist extraordinare, will take your sounds and sights, and create a location-specific visual + musical composition that he’ll play at the Fisch Haus on Final Friday, May 25, from 7-10PM. Your videos will be coordinated with the ‘musical notes’, so when Von plays your sound during the performance, the video will pop up on the map, exactly where you took it.
You’ll also be able to make new music in your neighborhood, live from the Fisch Haus! Between sets, the public will be invited to play the soundmaps, thanks to a micro-sensor system developed by Von Hansen and Lauren Hirsh.
Want to set up a sound walk party in your neighborhood? Contact Susan Mayo at She’ll scout your neighborhood and help you and your friends find the sounds that speak to you!
Thank you to the Knight Foundation Fund at the Wichita Community Foundation, for helping us to realize Phase II…stay tuned!
Founded in 1986, the Wichita Community Foundation’s mission is to be the catalyst that creates lasting legacies by partnering with people, families, and organizations to devote resources to causes that matter. The Knight Foundation Fund at the Wichita Community Foundation invests in civic innovators who help cities attract and nurture talent, enhance opportunity and foster civic engagement. For more information, visit or call 316.264.4880.
What makes a good video/sound clip?
- What’s unique about YOUR neighborhood? What’s interesting to YOU?
- Try to get a clear sound, with not much background noise.
- The video component is important too, so think about lighting and unexpected perspectives.
- Check out an example of several clips we put together to give you an idea of what we’re looking for. These are only a couple ideas though–definitely think outside of the box!

Another VIBRANTICT event.
FREE pop-up music in downtown Wichita #musicfornowconcerts, sponsored in partnership by Chamber Music at The Barn with The Knight Foundation through the Wichita Community Foundation. VibrantICT is on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
This event has been made possible in part by generous media sponsorship from, Wichita Public Radio. Thank you!