Fisch Bowl, Inc. accepts exhibition and performance proposals throughout the year. Our board meets quarterly to evaluate the submissions and we will notify you soon afterwards if we feel your proposal is a good fit for our space and our organization's capacities.
If you are interested in showing or performing at Fisch Haus, please send the following to info@fischhaus.com, under the subject heading “Submission”:
1| Single page proposal of exhibition or event
2| 5-10 images, no more than 1MB each
3| Resume
4| Brief artist’s/producer's statement
5| Contact information.
Note: exhibitions are awarded by a selection process, and the gallery is not available to rent for an exhibition of visual art. Fisch Bowl, Inc. will remit 60% of all art sales to the artist, unless other arrangements have been mutually pre-approved. Refer to the adjacent diagram for general information about the gallery space; for more specific details or dimensions, please email us at info@fischhaus.com.
We do occasionally rent our space for private functions, such as weddings, graduation parties, corporate meetings, etc.: if you'd like more information about that opportunity, contact us with a brief description of your event. Rental rates vary based on the type of event, expected attendance, and for-profit/not-for-profit status of the organization producing the event.

FISCH HAUS is a multi-disciplinary art facility, located in Wichita’s Commerce St. Art District, currently accommodating five full-time local creatives as well as a steady stream of artists, actors and musicians, both regional and international.
FISCH BOWL INC is a 501(c)(3) organization that endeavors to promote the arts and offer a wide variety of cultural experiences and resources to the public