

December 18, 2020 - May 14, 2021 @BildLab, Fisch Haus' second floor gallery Like probably every other artist on the planet, much of Fisch Haus artist Patrick Duegaw and Diver Studio's Connie Ernatt's recent work has been inspired by current events and addresses the...

Refractive Errors

Refractive Errors

@BildLab (second floor gallery)May 20 - June 17, 2021Exhibition opens May 20, with a virtual facebook event (details will be posted here and on facebook), and then will be open by appointment. Please email to schedule a time to see the show.In this...

Fisch Haus:21 – Ulrich Museum of Art

Fisch Haus:21 – Ulrich Museum of Art

Saturday, April 16, 2011 (All day) to Sunday, August 7, 2011 (All day) FISCH HAUS: 21 - a Fisch Haus retrospective at the Ulrich Museum of Art Exhibition Essay: An Artist’s Collaborative Comes of Age By Dr. Emily Stamey For more than two decades now, the arts in...

Neighborhood Superstar 2020

Neighborhood Superstar 2020

Sunday, February 16, 2020 (All day) to Saturday, October 31, 2020 (All day) Harvester Arts and Fisch Haus are pleased to announce the 2020 Neighborhood Superstar: Anthony Dozier. Anthony is a painter who works in upcycled and recycled materials. This honor is meant...

Theatre Thursdays 2020

Theatre Thursdays 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020 - 7:00pm to Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 9:00pm THEATRE THURSDAYS IS CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE   A month-long live performance series featuring weekly premiere productions of contemporary plays, experimental and improv performances, and stage...

Short Film Showcase

Short Film Showcase

Saturday, February 8, 2020 - 7:00pm Fisch Haus presents a collection of short films by local and regional filmmakers, thematically centered around our resident artists, events, and programming. The showcase starts at 7PM on Saturday, February 8th, and will run about...

The International Superstar Boy Band

The International Superstar Boy Band

Friday, January 31, 2020 - 7:00pm On January 31 at 7pm, the (in)famous International Superstar Boy Band will be crushing the Fisch Haus stage with an improv sesh to end all improv seshes. Be there or be sorry forever. The ISBB is (left to right): Tatsuya Hidano...

FAQ: 2% for public art program

FAQ: 2% for public art program

On December 17, 2019, Wichita City Council voted yes to a 2% pool of funding allocated for public art in public projects. An artist resource page has been provided by the Arts Council. The public artist registry can be accessed here: City of Wichita Public Artist...

Living Statues 2020

Living Statues 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020 - 7:00pm It's the 12th year of Living Statues! This is an annual family-friendly event that offers a unique and inspirational environment within which the public is invited to sketch, photograph, paint, or otherwise immortalize a group of...

Public Art Ordinance Victory Party

Public Art Ordinance Victory Party

Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm After more than two years of planning, writing, negotiating, revising, discussing, then doing it all again, more times than we can count, we are finally ready to put our new percentage-for-public-art ordinance to the vote!...
